We seem to spend all of our day looking for comfort, respect and love. We want to be noticed, appreciated and honored for what we are and what we do.
The problem comes when we feel we are disrespected and dishonored. Wow, what a fuss, argument, anger, resentment, acting out, games-playing reaction happens then–if we’re not careful.
So many spiritual systems get to the teaching that the Divine is within us somehow, that we are children of God, made in Her image, that we carry the spark of infinite love inside. Thus with that deepest faith practiced, we’d never have to worry about what the human in front of us thinks of us. We’d not put heavy expectations on the challenges of another, but settle into the peace inside.
Today I settle into the peace that I carry in my heart with Her love. When I coach a staff member away from her anger, when I sit for hours in tedious meetings, when I trudge to another process discussion and disruptive disagreements–I carry in my heart Her Love.