New habits

Being human is a bother sometimes.  I get these old habits that just don’t work with a “mature” body.  So I’m faced with a choice–forge new habits, reinforce them again and again.  Or just fall back into the old patterns that stoop me over, clog my body, mess my mind.  Oh but those are so familiar and cozy–reticence, procrastination, laziness, indulgence.  Yum.

And then the waking up creaky and stiff and stupid.  It used to be the price for being young and silly.  Now it shows up as the cost of carelessness towards what has been a damn good body this round.

The Divine is in love with me, no matter what sugar I eat, bad movies I watch, lazy days of indulgent reading I spend. But there is that sweet Voice within me that wants to play on Her beautiful earth as long as possible, as clear as I can be to laugh and giggle at how She has Her Way with me.

Resting today on Mary, Isis, Athena, Gaia and Kwan Yin’s dear guiding arms.