Me You and Them

What a web we have here.  The tangled threads of communication between each other amazes me.  It seems sometimes a miracle that we can really trust that one word from me truly is heard by you.  No matter if I’m tedious about spelling and locution, how I speak, my body language, tone of voice and the font I use. 

There are some days that I wonder if I’m speaking in my own special tongue that is gibberish to every person standing wide-eyed and nodding in front of me.  They are trying to be nice and acting like they recognize my speech, but maybe they are complacent and ignorant of any meaning.

Then once in a while the light shines in their eyes and I see You in there smiling so sweetly and warm.  Perhaps we are the fingers of God reaching out to each other, finding a way to fold neatly together, held in a mudra of peace.