Haggling over the price

Sure, you’re right.  I’m screaming about the price of goods I’m forced to buy being a human struggling with the spirit that keeps reminding me that I’m more than that.  Ok, great.  I’m more than this, but I’m still here, feet on the ground, breathing, moving, eating, pooping, working, running, driving and on.

It’s hard to buy something that is invisible, endless, all good dressed up as “lessons”.

Excuse me, can I take that life while vacationing on a forested beach island somewhere?  Are you sure I volunteered for this?  I’m sorry, you must have the wrong person.

Actually, struggle is useless.  I have figured that out.  Like a chinese finger trap–the more you pull, the more you are stuck.  Like thrashing about in quicksand (at least as you see in the movies!), you’ll sink faster.  The more you pray for patience, the more you get those tough times where patience is needed more and more.

Give me this life.  I’m paying for it anyway.  Every avatar, deva and godhead on earth paid their price and sat there with a big grin on their faces–or not.  Do it anyway, said Theresa.

Today, I see the gift of what I’ve been given.  The only cost is to receive it and say “Thank YOU!”