What I mean when I say “trying times” is that I’m trying too hard. Do you recognize that? I stretch and worry, double-book and try to please everyone on all sides. It doesn’t work very well. The person that is NOT getting pleased is me.
I want to say “No, back off please. I am NOT responsible for her work.” even though I’m her manager. argh. And then to another I want to say, “Get out from that desk and let me sit there to look at that work you say you are doing. You are NOT listening to me.”
Yeah. That will work. Sure.
So today is about calmly recognizing that I cannot be everything to all people. Especially when I’m stretched thin and unrecognizable myself. Being cranky does not fix things. Or else I’d be living in luxury and peace. HA.
I am free to love me. I am at peace and ease to be me. Every breath reminds me of the truth of me–which is a home for You.