Changing colors

It’s not the northeast, but the trees are gradually changing colors.  What is it?  They lose sugar, or sugar deposits or something like that and the leaves get cut off from producing green, the sap stops running and they blush and fall.

I wonder if that would happen if I stopped eating sugar.  My body wouldn’t ache so much, that’s for sure.  I think my sap would circulate even better.  With all the carbos in my body I feel stiff, rigid and like a rock of sugar crystalized.

What if I could change as easily and gracefully as the seasons.  Slowly bending to the shifting of the sun, the coolness in the air, the changes at work, and a new horizon for my path.  Simply to pause and shuffle my feet in a new direction.  I can’t fall off the path, I am guaranteed a brilliant view in every direction, and an adventure is inevitable.

I call upon the four elements, four seasons that mark the edges of natural change–according to the stations of the sun.  I call upon Isis and Persephone who have wondrously blessed these cyclical paths on the land of my life.  Hand in hand, I easily transform.