Nature seems to exist without doubting itself. I mean, have you ever seen a tree wondering if it’s growing the right direction? Bushes don’t hesitate, they twist and turn and seek the sun without fail. Grass is an eternal teacher of persistence–cracking concrete in it’s path. Birds don’t seem to wonder if they will wake in the morning, or lie in their next dreading to get up and take a shower, get on the bus and get to work. They rise to jump into their cheery song dancing at a new day.
Let me live this day in easy peace, comfortable confidence and flowing faith that I am brilliantly true to the Way with each step. There is no such thing as mistakes. Even detours are human labels on adventures. Like every Wise Fool that carried a cross or sat by a tree, I carry all I need, let my magic wand of energy pull me along, faithful friend of nature near my side and raise my eyes up to follow the heavens.
When I step over the ledge, I am flying.