One of the hardest things to do is to sit and let the mind go empty. Just nothing in there, allowing the rambling freakazoid past, present, compare, criticize, rationalize, excuse, worry, dream, fantasy, doodle mind to empty. I do think it is impossible. That’s why there are all the “meditation” visions, guides, music, classes, tools, and techniques.
Funny how its so hard to do nothing. What were we thinking [sic] to have this mental organ as part of the human experience! Maybe that was the biggest challenge of the game, to have a earth-bound, fear-grounded brain that “keeps us alive” as a constant companion.
If I treat it like a frantic child, make friends with it, and love it with distractions and soothing, then I get near to that relaxing state that brings such deep refreshing rejuvenation.
Just like singing a soft lullaby, “All is well. All is well. In all things, all is well.” Thus I can lull the new little excited baby-brain in to being still.
Be still.
And know.
I am.