I have been lucky to find a spiritual group that I can go to almost any time of any day. In fact, I’ve got experiences that allow me entry into a number of groups. After years of attending, sharing and listening, the depth of compassion felt to me and for others is transforming.
The Divine made us so connected, and we designed this life pretending we were separate. To sit and listen and feel to the bone what a fellow is talking about, to feel the resonance in the blood of the pattern and heartache and despair–it hollows out the inside. In that open space of dear silence all of our hearts are filled up. Nothing needs to be said and the touching comfort of each other fills every tiniest space between us with a golden thread of love.
I am grateful to recognize I falter. Thus I have been gifted with hands that steady me, nodding heads that honor me, and depths of Divine eyes of excellent eternal love that shine through yours.