Re Latte

Wouldn’t be nice if relationships were like getting a latte?  Today I want a double shot skinny.  Maybe tomorrow I want a dash of cinnamon or a squirt of hazelnut.  To tell you the truth, I don’t drink coffee, but just think if it was as easy as deciding about a drink.

Excuse me, can I order a compassionate, listening, attentive person today?  And add a sprinkle of humor.  Or, today I’d prefer a vitamin drink with wheat grass and tobasco.  Or better yet, how about a steak dinner to fill me up, or scallops–yum.

The thing is, I believe relationships are almost MADE to be bumpy.  How else would we get polished.  I mean, we are already perfectly imperfect as humans–can’t get any better than that.  But getting close to another human just always softens the rough spots of my personality.  If I can be aware of myself–good luck some days–I can see my sharp ragged edges when my buttons get pushed.  And then trying out a wide variety of tools to smooth those edges.

After all, every piece of music involves bumping one thing against another.  It can be horrific, like the destruction of a building, or exquisite, like tiny chimes in a cathedral.

Like Hafiz said: God and I have become like two great big fat people in a tiny boat–we keep bumping into each other and laughing.  Love is to bump and laugh.