Applying myself

I’m a shapeshifter these days.  I’ve lost a parent, companion and a home of friends called a job.  I’ve felt useless and purposeless.  I’m spending time seeing life as a jigsaw puzzle–very slow to put together with constant faith that the picture will evolve as I move the pieces into place.

So I apply myself.  I’m quieter and watch for more subtle signs.  Time to wash sheets.  Recognizing what needs a scrub.  Searching and finding those positions that fit my skills.  It is willingness that moves me forward.

But it is action that shifts my life.  I write, I read, I move those puzzle pieces.  Sometimes very slowly, sometimes with a brisk walk.  There is no doubt that my life is more than meets my human eye.  Thus I follow the bread crumb instructions from one path to another through the jungle of despair, the shadow of doubt and the valley of death.

It is nice to know that She is there behind each job position.  That my Divine One has set up and cut up the puzzle picture.  And that each morning I nestle my face into Her comforting shoulder as She snuggles back into me saying, “Time to get up!”