Death is distracting

Death is distracting, but it is not real.  I believe that, but the uncontrollable waterworks already missing a friend just happen.

It was time.  My dog Lucky of 15+ years just couldn’t get his back end up off the soiled bedding without my help.  He was tired of this.  His body was just worn out.  That’s what my mom said before she died too.  We are not meant to be here forever.  It’s like some style of clothes for a while, then they don’t fit.  We can be happy to let them go and try on something that stretches with a new life.

 I chose Diana of the Hounds to be with me yesterday.  As a goddess she recognizes the role we all play on earth and allows her earthly dogs to retire to that heavenly endless dog park easily and quickly.  All good dogs do go to heaven.  All of us are in and go to Spirit.  It was truly a good day to die.

With this near-death I feel even more the breath of Her Love so close saying, “What a good girl!”