God Knows. So I follow signs and cues. I’ve been trained in acting, and I know how to do improvisation–to follow the lead, watch for openings and go with the flow. Go with the flow. If I believe I am always in the River of Goodness and Grace, the practice is to allow my unsinkable raft to dip and bob, up and down, slow and furious, hold on and laugh or cry as prompted.
Dogs wag their tail. Cats mew for food and hugs. We all have instincts, urges or feelings–whatever you want to call them, however they are planted in us with beliefs and patterning. It is so much easier to allow for them, watch them, and sniff around for the belief behind the feelings and flop it on the table like a smelly fish. Cleared of the emotional clutter, I can decide if I truly want to believe that or not.
I have released the belief in worry. I am no longer teased by the fear of financial insecurity (I might to the outside world still have financial insecurity, but I’m not afraid of it any more). I recognize that my moods are my choice–conscious or subconscious–and truly cannot be blamed on others.
I believe in a Loving Creator, a Good Universal Spin, a brilliant First Idea and the adventure of human life. I trust that I can indulge in personalizing this Spirit any time I wish in ANY way I wish, fairy tale or made-believe, faith or fantasy. I am grateful for this graceful indulgence here and now that relaxes my shoulders with Her giggling whisper in my ear.