Thank you for the presence, the Presence, of water droplets sparkling on ripe green leaves amid a tangle of bushes. Will they dry up, be soaked in, fall off? It doesn’t matter. They shine for me, remind me to shine for them. Branches and tender vermillion reach out in the path to touch me as I pass. We are the Beloved.
Two days spent in a booth at a fair, a scooting fool–talking about scooters and reading tarot. You were there, and I dove into Your eyes. When you had those furrowed brows and folded arms, worried about the right school for your son. Then when You sat there, silent and scared with your father standing over you and I told you to choose life for yourself. And then You with your lover, shining smiling glances at each other with each card of life turning over.
Grace, beauty and joy vibrate through my body with this human adventure. Deep gratitude to be Your flute singing in this solstice dawn.