I can look directly at the sun this morning. It is a clear orb shrouded in a thick barrier of clouds. Maybe it is only in the shadow of doubt that we can recognize the magnetic truth of Spirit. But even that awareness just points me in the direction. I can still be in a deep valley, seeing only the light from late morning to early afternoon. Feeling self-imprisoned where I only have an hour in the day to stare at a patch of blue between towering walls.
As always, every hint of surrounding green defies this limit–devouring the yellow invisible light. But I eat the purported “comfort foods” when I am out of my “comfort zone” of habit. Some change sets me into a different light, the gravity shifts, magnetic north is off. But the food lies to me and hurts later–like any mindless addiction vigilant to distract me from the changing landscape.
My booted foot is unafraid of mud, but my so-called heart of faith is timid and grips old pathways and illusions of comfort and safety. Deep black mud. Gnarly roots. Swarming gnats–the normal forest morning. Doubts, sefl-pity & irritation–normal human snafus. As I keep walking, I’m now in an open field and a clear path.
And look, the sun is shining through the clouds from over my shoulder. Gently reminding me that I am the shadow that I dance with.
Today I will let the Greatness fill me up, let the Presence take over my life, do all my tasks today, and I will just watch the sun, listen to the coded messages of love in the birdsong, and allow my Sweet Sister to do the shadow dance.