That’s my chant for today. Keeping in the Presence of the present.
Why does the feeling (not the fact or the truth) of uselessness in view of no job, dwindling money, make me so sad? Is it all because of the years of forming the belief that my worth is built on what I am doing? Working for the “man”? Achiving, producing and serving others only?
How often do I profess to others that it is their very being that makes them intrinsically worth of all good? I hate the word “worthy” anyways. It seems to imply value based on an exchange. What is my exchange rate–my market value–based on what I produce? Thus as unemployed, I am worthless, without production, fallow. What a malicious lie based on hypnotic cultural rule.
The opposite of that belief is always proclaimed by nature. The brilliant omnipresent dandelions that defy all weeding and poisen. The lilac bushes greening without a thought that we only love them for their blossoms whose fragrance sends me back to my mother’s soft gray eyes, home, cardinals, safety and tears. Ever-present grass that humbly and without a thought crack concrete.
What a silly idea to be wrapped in a tangled human bun of flesh to doubt the easy soothing place of All That Is. Here and now.