Only with an empty space can one be filled anew. So I clean. Let go. Sit and be numb and empty.
But this is hard for me, a doing person, active, progress, projects. Feeling overwhelmed with all what I should do so much that inertia stuns me. Spiritually, physically and emotionally tired. Listless. That “whatever” feeling.
And feelings are now supposed to be the guides to manifestation. What I don’t like creates uncomfortable feelings that can point me to that which I would like–that would feel better, the opposite.
What I’d prefer than this tired empty feeling is purposeful, motivated, inspired and energized. In order to feed that intention, I set it in the rich soil of the soul and let the mud and rain and tears and sleep nurture it to grow.
Today is Gaia’s day–brilliant sun, warm still air, birds chattering and the earth greening. I allow the dear One to work through me, play through me and rest through me. Going with the flow. Empty and full at the same time.