Puzzle piece life

The jigsaw puzzles go together slowly.  Gathering up all the pieces with red, analyzing the shape, trying out this one then that one.  Grumbling on how they aren’t made the way they used to be-stiffer and more tightly linked.

Little by little the birds come into shape.  Next is the branch they cling to.  Last is the indistinguishable motley green of the tree and the background.  It seems sometimes it will never be done and the tablecloth lies on top of it.  It feels better not seeing the unfinished business that taunts me with a half-done puzzle.

But there is my life.  Here is the neutral zone.  Leaving where I was.  Not sure of where I’ll land.  Cleaning out old markers of the past–shirts I was given, dresses that are still beautiful but unworn, and jewelry that once had meaning now forgotten.  Feel a bit empty on purpose.  Empty of purpose.  Purposefully empty.

More to fill.  I set aside all worries and doubt for the wide open mind of brilliant unknown.