Honoring feelings?

So how do I honor the feeling of dread that I wake with today?  Allowing it without being imprisoned by it.

I search through the planets and how they are shining on me today.  I work those trines, I allow for alternatives,  I do the smallest next indicated thing, even if it is a new first page of a book.  Or a series of just the first page.  I wear a different shirt.  I decide not to see friends.  I decide to see and contact newer acquaintances, even if I’m not sure I want to be with them.  Mix it up I guess.

Open myself to the wave.  trust the wave, and it will not drown me.  When it rains, it just rains.

And Pema says to me.  The Buddha says to me, Milarepa says to me: when resistance is gone, so are the demons.

I surrender surrender surrender Dorothy.  Resistance is futile.  I surrender.