Center and Ground

Relating in a new way–what a practice.  How to do it after generations of victim, martyr and bully triangulations–patterns in this culture set as firm as the ground I walk.

Yet again, the ground changes–from collapsing skyscrapers to kind popes to nuclear fallout, I see the shift happens to relations around me.

Still.  Still there is a disconcerting stillness when patterns change.  No arguments can put me off balance.  No drama almost taunts me to find and create it.  At the cockeyed center is –I’m not getting any attention!  Is this loneliness or meditation?  Am I watching from the center or from the yawning vacuum?

But there is another thought–fighting to change who I am is a subtle aggression against the perfection of who I am.  Being at ease with what is, as I am, is a more centered, grounded, friendly non-goal, than pushing to “change”.

Up and down, back and forth, around and around on the human/spirit playground.  Let’s play!