Now and Then

Puzzling, baffling and powerful is the mind that furiously grips to the past, then at the very next second, screams in terror of the future.  Practicing the now is a continuous (ha) endeavor.

Now.  In the cool apartment, my football shirt keeping me warm, gentle knocking of neighbor movements, looming tick of the clock–this is now.  Soft click of keys.  Opening my heart to the phenomena of spirit as human.

And the leanings of Your whispers.

I start with my human fears: what to do, how to do it, dreams slamming into laziness, now/then, why, how, what??!!  Back and forth.  Open my heart and listen.

All in good time.  Good time.  Time is on my side.  Shine here and now, awake to patterns and settle back into that lovely cloud of unknowing with Me.

That’s the message today  Leaning on Your love–yes.