Morning meditation beneath the quilt

Silence is a great source of strength.  Thus, sitting in silence, allowing the mind to dither itself to sleep, letting thoughts drift down the river, deepens my roots.

Manure makes excellent fertilizer.  Thus the shit of my life nourishes me, despite my childish desires to brush it all away.  The deepest cuts have yielded the truest and long-lasting awareness of the how of me, you, the planet, and the thrill of being spirit playing at being human.

Human is related to humus, dirt of the earth. Humility.  Even if God is No Thing, I am not that All That Is.  Even if I am everything that is in the wave of the Ocean.  I am not the Ocean.

But it sure sets my heart on fire when She sits in front of me, cross legged on my bed, on the quilt of love I planted for us.  Heart on fire.