Breath as spirit

In and out.  Forever and surrounding.  Internally and externally, breath is the instant of life. Refreshment and release.

So I saw another warrior movie last night.  A teenage warrior movie.  Perhaps they all start with the angst of adolescence.  It was the familiar story of conventional imprisoning cultural mores and the fierce seething despair of rebellion. Perfect example of the Tao–the How of things.  The tension of breath–in and out, yes and no, here and there.

But none of that is real, really.  There is only one, all, always.  The war is within us.  The polarity is within us.  But there is no duality, just back and forth like a wave.

My practice is as much as possible to watch the pendulum rather than ride it, to observe the waves of grief and hilarity, rather than judge my life by a surge or a depth.  Yeah.  Sure.  But this morning I am cold and thinking of the warmth of the desert.

Not easy this human thing.