Funny thing about wearing glasses, it truly is a small shield. Losing eyesight corresponds to slowly wanting to fade away from the cold hard facts. But the paradigm holds that at any time I can get new glasses onto the world.
Perhaps a higher power is like a pair of glasses. Oh Sweet Ganesha, I beg that with your magnifying vision, I see only the best of everyone I meet. Dear Adonai, give me your eyes that I see but the beauty and blessedness of all creation. To the Deva of Mt. Tahoma, I bow to your highest vision above the clouds.
Thus I switch glasses as often as I notice that I my sight is blurred. When I forget where you end and I start, when I am struggling to mind read what it is you are doing, on occasion when the fog settles on my chest like an old cat in front of my face.
Just like that first time I donned my specs, I am flabbergasted, delighted and amazed at seeing each individual brilliant leaf on the tree of this life.