I do remember how freeing it was to say “I don’t know.” It turns out, that’s the wisest thing to say. The truth of the infinite endless conundrum is that we are only a small leaf bouncing down the eternal flow of Tao.
Pretending to know is a pain and a struggle. But the continuous human design is to make decisions, at every breath, without any certainty of the outcome. Like a rollercoaster–will we die or have the time of our lives?
To mirror the Divine. What a calling. Without knowing which step to take, job to pursue, schedule for the day.
Maybe life is just about have fun while you have no idea what to do or where to go. If the Divine would sneak through to the world as me today, what would She want to do. Maybe to sit under the covers, laptop on her lap, watching the sun touch the top of the trees. And then take a walk.