Your invitation

I am catatonic with gratitude that I am able to type and present and serve this site to you.  Having given every possible excuse of avoidance, the Lady simply insisted.  So here are the words along the Way.  Maybe some from Her to me to you, maybe a lot of human fussing over nothing (there are those excuses again).  In any case, another coming out party.

As I prep a talk tomorrow to a bunch of folks about meditation, I am reminded that every posture, hand motion, breath, word and glance can be an alignment to the vibration of the Way.  You know what I mean, some of you that remember phonograph records–the needle is in the groove. 

So today the idea is to align myself to the highest vibration around me.  The corridor to the bathroom is a path in the forest, the view out my window–past the high-rise parking lot–is the treetop waving, the staff person in front of me with an issue is an angel friend reminding me of our agreement to dance.

Dancing in quiet stillness to the music of the spheres.  I am a whirling dervish drunk with the Divine at a party in my honor.  Join me in the dance!  Dance!  Dance!

5 thoughts on “Your invitation

  1. Ahhhhhhhh KTK G….ahhhhhhhh the sweet spirit coming through you…..ahhhhhhhh what to say? good work? but it wasn’t work was it? i love your site and feel the universality of it and it makes me want to sing!

  2. Katie! I am enchanted with your site. It is lovely and interesting and calls me out to dance. Yum.

  3. KTK, your words are divine music to my soul. thank you for being authentically you and bringing this to the world.

  4. Because of you, I know this:
    Hail to thee, Radiant Sun!
    Brightener of the sky.
    Establisher of the Day.
    Hail to thee, Radiant Sun!
    Great Star that earth orbits,
    Great Brightener of the sky.
    Hail to thee, Radiant Sun!
    Source of Light
    Source of Life
    Source of Energy
    Source of Joy!

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